How to Test your AI Chatbot?

by Justine Ochman

by Justine Ochman

How to Test your AI Chatbot?

In this article, you will learn how to test the AI chatbot performance using our product as an example. When we talk about evaluation, we mean checking how well the chatbot learns from support materials, understands customer inquiries (intentions), and generates responses.

1. Use help center questions

We’ve equipped your chatbot with knowledge from your knowledge base (help center, FAQs). Ask for the related topics and see how it follows your guidelines.


2. Test the chatbot’s understanding

The chatbot should be able to understand the user’s intent even when the questions are not exactly like those in the FAQ.

Test the chatbot with a variety of phrasings and synonyms. For instance:

  • Can I return my order if I do not like it?
  • What if I’m not satisfied with my order?
  • Is it possible to return the purchase if I change my mind?

Test the chatbot with various types of customer needs expression. For instance:

  • Requests: Can you check my order status?
  • Commands: Check my order status.
  • Needs: I need to know whether my order was shipped.
  • Problems: I don’t know how to check my order status.Screenshot


3. Testing off-topic handling

See how the chatbot responds when asked something it shouldn’t answer. Here, the chatbot should politely decline and possibly direct users to your store offerings.



4. Test the chatbot’s response to multiple questions in a single query

Customers often ask multiple questions within a single query. Test how well your chatbot can handle this.




5. Check the chatbot’s response to complex questions

Some customer questions may be more complex or technical. Make sure your chatbot can handle these.



6. Test the chatbot’s spelling error resistance

It is common for customer requests to contain typos. PerfectBot can handle them with ease:


7. Evaluate the chatbot’s skill to handoff to a human agent

There might be instances where human intervention is necessary. The chatbot should recognize these situations and refer the customer to human support.



Add an AI bot to your chat support

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