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Reviews: 4.8
PerfectBot provides trustworthy AI chat answers
with a response time of under 4 seconds.
Trusted by 100s of Shopify stores of all sizes
Want to try PerfectBot with
your own content?
Submit your online store URL to receive a custom demo. PerfectBot will study your content to learn your brand's voice and policies. Then, using the latest AI technology, it instantly answers Gorgias chats and emails, 24/7.
Why choose PerfectBot for the chat channel?
Offer 24/7 service
Half of your customers want to chat when you are not available. Let them do so.
Cut response times
Start replying in seconds instead of hours or days. PerfecBot handles real-world conversations with an average latency of under 2.5 seconds per message.
Smart handover scenarios
PerfectBot reassigns complex problems to your human support team. The entire conversation is held in the Gorgias widget.
Fully customizable
Customize Bot name, avatar, greetings, and handover scenarios.
All essential features
Works inside Gorgias
Learns from your content
Talks like a human
Maximum accuracy
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